How To Shake A Cocktail

If you’ve ever wondered how to shake a cocktail like a pro, then this article is for you. Get ready to learn the secrets behind achieving that perfect mix of flavors, as we take you through the steps of shaking a cocktail like a seasoned bartender. From choosing the right shaker to mastering the technique, we’ll help you elevate your cocktail game and impress your friends with your newfound skills. So grab your favorite cocktail recipe and let’s get shaking!

Equipment Needed

To shake a cocktail like a pro, you’ll need a few essential tools: a cocktail shaker, a strainer, ice cubes, and a jigger or measuring tool.

Cocktail shaker

The first item you’ll need is a cocktail shaker. There are three main types to choose from: the cobbler shaker, the Boston shaker, and the French shaker. Each has its own advantages and style, so pick the one that suits your needs and preferences.


A strainer is crucial for separating the drink from the ice and any other solid ingredients. The most common strainers used in cocktail shaking are the Hawthorne strainer and the fine mesh strainer. Both do a great job of keeping unwanted particles out of your drink.

Ice cubes

Ice is a vital component of a well-shaken cocktail. It not only chills the drink but also helps dilute it to achieve the perfect balance of flavors. Make sure to have plenty of ice cubes ready before you start shaking.

Jigger or measuring tool

To ensure precise and consistent measurements, it’s essential to have a jigger or measuring tool. This will help you accurately proportion the spirits, mixers, and modifiers in your cocktail, guaranteeing a delicious and well-balanced drink every time.

Choosing the Right Shaker

Before you start shaking your cocktail, it’s important to choose the right shaker for the job. Here are the three main types of shakers you can consider:

Cobbler shaker

The cobbler shaker is a classic choice for beginner home bartenders. It consists of three parts: a metal tin, a built-in strainer, and a cap. Its compact design makes it easy to handle and clean, making it a convenient option for small-scale cocktail shaking.

Boston shaker

The Boston shaker is a popular choice among professional bartenders. It consists of two separate metal tins that fit together snugly. The advantage of a Boston shaker is its larger capacity, making it ideal for shaking multiple cocktails at once. However, you’ll need an additional strainer as it lacks a built-in one.

French shaker

The French shaker is a sleek and elegant option. It consists of two metal tins that fit together without the need for a separate cap or strainer. Its minimalist design makes it visually appealing and easy to clean. However, like the Boston shaker, it requires an external strainer.

Consider your personal preferences, the drinks you’ll be making, and your level of experience when choosing the right shaker for you.


Proper preparation is key to achieving a perfectly shaken cocktail. There are two important steps to take before you begin shaking:

Chill the glasses

To ensure your cocktail stays cold for longer, it’s important to chill your glasses beforehand. Simply place them in the refrigerator or fill them with ice water for a few minutes, then discard the water or remove the glasses from the fridge when you’re ready to serve.

Prepare ingredients

Before you commence shaking, gather and prepare all the necessary ingredients for your cocktail. This includes measuring out the spirits, mixers, and modifiers and having any additional garnishes and tools ready at hand. Being organized and having everything within reach will make the shaking process smoother and more enjoyable.

How To Shake A Cocktail

Adding Ingredients to the Shaker

Now that you have everything prepared, it’s time to add the ingredients to the shaker. Here’s the step-by-step process:

Measure and add spirits

Using your jigger or measuring tool, carefully measure out the spirits specified in the cocktail recipe. Pour them into the shaker, ensuring that you add the correct proportions. Accuracy is key to achieving the right balance and taste of your cocktail.

Add mixers and modifiers

After adding the spirits, it’s time to incorporate any mixers and modifiers called for in the recipe. This can include ingredients like juices, syrups, bitters, or liqueurs. Again, make sure to measure them accurately to maintain the desired flavor profile of your cocktail.

Adding Ice

Adding ice to your cocktail shaker is essential for achieving the right temperature and dilution. Here’s what you need to do:

Fill shaker with ice

Take a generous handful of ice cubes and fill the shaker to approximately two-thirds full. The ice will help chill the cocktail quickly, ensuring it’s refreshing and enjoyable to drink.

Consider adding cracked ice

For certain cocktails, such as those with delicate flavors or when shaken with additional force, you might consider adding cracked ice. Cracked ice refers to ice cubes that have been lightly crushed or cracked. It provides increased dilution and a more powerful chilling effect.

Shaking Techniques

Now that your ingredients and ice are in the shaker, it’s time to put those muscles to work and shake that cocktail. Here are three different shaking techniques you can try:

Standard shaking

The standard shaking technique is the most commonly used and involves a steady, rhythmic motion. Hold the shaker firmly with both hands, ensuring a tight seal, and shake it back and forth in a controlled manner. This technique is suitable for most cocktails and allows for consistent mixing and chilling.

Dry shake

The dry shake technique is used when a cocktail contains ingredients such as egg whites or other emulsifiers. Before adding ice to the shaker, vigorously shake the ingredients for about 10-15 seconds first. This creates a frothy texture and helps emulsify the cocktail.

Hard shake

The hard shake technique involves shaking the cocktail more vigorously and aggressively. This technique is often used for cocktails with heavier or more viscous ingredients, like cream or fruit purees. It helps to achieve better incorporation and extraction of flavors.

Experiment with the different shaking techniques to find the one that suits you and the specific cocktail you are preparing.

Shaking Duration

The duration of your shaking can greatly affect the taste, texture, and temperature of your cocktail. Here are three options to consider:

Short shake

A short shake typically lasts around 10-15 seconds. This is suitable for cocktails that require minimal dilution or delicate ingredients. It provides a quick chilling effect without overly diluting the flavors.

Long shake

A long shake, lasting approximately 20-30 seconds, is ideal for cocktails with more intense flavors or those that benefit from extended dilution. This technique helps to achieve a well-blended and properly chilled drink.

Vigorous shake

For cocktails that require extra mixing or emulsification, such as those containing egg whites or cream, a vigorous shake is necessary. This involves shaking the cocktail with great force for around 30 seconds or more. The result is a well-incorporated and frothy cocktail.

Adapt the shaking duration based on the recipe specifications and your personal taste preferences.

Straining the Cocktail

Once you’ve finished shaking, it’s time to strain the cocktail into your chilled glass. Proper straining ensures that the drink is free from ice shards and any unwanted debris. Here are two common methods:

Using a Hawthorne strainer

If you’re using a cobbler or Boston shaker, a Hawthorne strainer is typically the go-to strainer. Place the strainer over the mouth of the shaker and use the built-in spring to hold it securely in place. Gently pour the cocktail through the strainer into your waiting glass, allowing the liquid to flow freely while the strainer catches any solids.

Using a fine mesh strainer

For cocktails with small or fine particles, such as those containing herbs or fruit pulp, a fine mesh strainer is useful. Simply hold the strainer over the glass while pouring the cocktail through it. The fine mesh will trap any unwanted solids, ensuring a smooth and visually appealing drink.

Remember to pour slowly and steadily when straining to minimize the risk of spills or splashing.


The presentation of a cocktail adds to the overall enjoyment and aesthetic appeal. Here are a few elements to consider for a stunning presentation:

Choosing appropriate glassware

Selecting the right glassware can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your cocktail. Different cocktails are traditionally served in specific types of glasses, so choose accordingly. Whether it’s a classic martini glass or a tall highball, matching the glass to the cocktail can elevate the drinking experience.

Garnishing the cocktail

Garnishes not only add visual appeal but can also complement the flavors of the cocktail. Consider adding citrus twists, edible flowers, herbs, fruit slices, or cocktail picks with berries. Garnishing is an opportunity to showcase your creativity and attention to detail.

Adding finishing touches

Before serving, take a moment to add any additional finishing touches to your cocktail. This could include a final spritz of aromatic bitters, a dusting of cocoa powder, or even a decorative cocktail umbrella. These small details can make a big difference in the overall presentation and enjoyment of the drink.

Practice Makes Perfect

Shaking cocktails is both an art and a skill that improves with practice. To become a masterful cocktail shaker, here are a few tips:

Experiment with different cocktails

Try making a variety of cocktails using different ingredients and flavor combinations. This will help you become familiar with different shaking techniques and how they impact the taste and texture of the final product. Don’t be afraid to get creative and make your own signature cocktails!

Develop your personal technique

With time and practice, you’ll discover your own unique style and rhythm when shaking cocktails. Experiment with different shaking durations, techniques, and even the force applied during shaking. As you become more comfortable, you’ll develop a technique that feels natural and yields consistently excellent results.

Remember to have fun and enjoy the process of shaking cocktails. It’s an opportunity to unleash your inner mixologist, impress your friends, and create delicious drinks that you’ll love. Cheers!