What Is The #1 Ordered Cocktail In The World?

Have you ever wondered what the most popular cocktail is around the world? Well, get ready to raise your glass because we’re here to reveal the answer! From exotic beaches to bustling cities, this delightful concoction has secured its spot as the number one choice for cocktail lovers everywhere. So, grab your shaker and let’s explore the world of mixology to unveil the reigning champion of all cocktails. Cheers to that!

What Is The #1 Ordered Cocktail In The World?

Table of Contents

History of Cocktails

Cocktails have a fascinating and rich history, dating back to ancient times. The early origins of cocktails can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where mixtures of alcohol and herbs were used for medicinal and ceremonial purposes. However, it was during the 18th century in America that cocktails as we know them today began to take shape.

Early origins of cocktails

In colonial America, taverns and inns were popular gathering places where people would come together to socialize and enjoy a drink. It was during this time that the term “cocktail” first emerged. The exact origin of the word is still debated, but it is believed to have originated from a French word “coquetier,” which referred to a type of egg cup that was used to serve mixed drinks.

The early cocktails were often made using a combination of spirits, sugar, water, and bitters. This combination was known as a “toddy” and was favored for its ability to provide a sense of warmth and comfort. As time went on, the cocktail evolved and became more sophisticated, with the introduction of new ingredients and techniques.

Prohibition era and the rise of cocktails

One of the most significant periods in the history of cocktails was the Prohibition era in the United States, which lasted from 1920 to 1933. During this time, the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages were prohibited, leading to the rise of illegal underground bars called speakeasies.

Speakeasies became the epicenter of cocktail culture during Prohibition, with bartenders concocting creative drinks to mask the inferior quality of the bootlegged alcohol. This era gave birth to iconic cocktails such as the Sidecar, the French 75, and the Southside, which are still enjoyed today.

Evolution of cocktail culture

After the repeal of Prohibition, cocktail culture continued to flourish and evolve. Bartenders began experimenting with new flavors and techniques, leading to the creation of innovative drinks such as the Mai Tai, the Margarita, and the Zombie. The 1950s and 1960s brought about a renewed interest in Tiki culture and tropical cocktails, while the 1980s introduced the craft cocktail movement, focusing on fresh ingredients and artisanal spirits.

Today, we find ourselves in a cocktail renaissance, with mixologists and bartenders pushing the boundaries of creativity and skill. The cocktail scene has become a vibrant and dynamic subculture, with bars and speakeasies popping up in cities around the world.

Factors Influencing Cocktail Popularity

The popularity of cocktails is influenced by various factors, including tastes and preferences, the availability of ingredients, marketing and advertising, and cultural influences.

Tastes and preferences

As with any food or drink, tastes and preferences play a significant role in the popularity of cocktails. Different people have different preferences when it comes to flavors, sweetness, and strength of drinks. Some may prefer the sharp and intense flavors of a Negroni, while others may opt for the refreshing and fruity taste of a Piña Colada. Bartenders and mixologists strive to create a diverse range of cocktails to cater to a wide array of tastes.

Availability of ingredients

The availability of ingredients is crucial in determining the popularity of cocktails. Certain cocktails, such as the Mojito and Caipirinha, rely heavily on fresh herbs and citrus fruits, making them popular in regions where these ingredients are abundant. Furthermore, the availability and quality of spirits, liqueurs, and syrups can also impact the popularity of specific cocktails. Bartenders often work closely with local suppliers and producers to ensure they have access to the finest ingredients for their creations.

Marketing and advertising

The way cocktails are marketed and advertised also plays a significant role in their popularity. Effective branding, compelling visuals, and creative storytelling can pique people’s curiosity and make them eager to try a particular cocktail. Clever marketing campaigns and promotions can also generate buzz and create a sense of excitement around a drink, ultimately influencing its popularity.

Cultural influences

Cultural influences have a profound impact on cocktail preferences and popularity. Different cultures have distinct drinking traditions and preferences, which can shape the popularity of certain cocktails. For example, rum-based cocktails like the Mojito and Daiquiri are more popular in Caribbean and Latin American countries due to their rich rum-producing history. Similarly, gin-based cocktails like the Martini and the Negroni have long been associated with British drinking culture.

Popular Cocktail Categories

Cocktails can be categorized into various types based on their main ingredients, flavor profiles, and historical significance. Here are some of the most popular cocktail categories:

Classic cocktails

Classic cocktails, such as the Martini, Old Fashioned, and Manhattan, are timeless favorites that have stood the test of time. They often feature a combination of spirits, bitters, and a touch of sweetness, showcasing the art of cocktail craftsmanship.

Tropical cocktails

Tropical cocktails transport us to exotic destinations with their vibrant colors and fruity flavors. Drinks like the Piña Colada, Mai Tai, and Mojito are synonymous with relaxation and paradise, making them popular choices for beachgoers and vacationers.

Whiskey-based cocktails

Whiskey-based cocktails, including the Mint Julep, Whiskey Sour, and Boulevardier, appeal to those who enjoy the complex and robust flavors of this classic spirit. Whether it’s the smoky notes of a peated Scotch or the caramel sweetness of a Bourbon, whiskey cocktails offer a wide range of options for the discerning drinker.

Vodka-based cocktails

Vodka-based cocktails are loved for their versatility and ability to blend seamlessly with various flavors. From the crisp and refreshing Moscow Mule to the timeless elegance of the Cosmopolitan, vodka is a popular choice for those seeking a clean and smooth drinking experience.

Rum-based cocktails

Rum-based cocktails have a rich history and are associated with tropical flavors and laid-back vibes. Drinks like the Daiquiri, Mojito, and Zombie showcase the diverse range of flavors and styles that rum can offer, from light and floral to dark and rich.

Tequila-based cocktails

Tequila-based cocktails bring a taste of Mexico to the world of cocktails. The Margarita, Paloma, and Tequila Sunrise are just a few examples of the countless tequila-based drinks that celebrate the unique flavors of this agave spirit.

Gin-based cocktails

Gin-based cocktails have experienced a resurgence in recent years, with the revival of classic drinks like the Martini and the Negroni. The botanical flavors of gin lend themselves well to a variety of cocktails, from the herbaceous complexity of a Gin Martini to the refreshing bitterness of a G&T.

The Global Cocktail Scene

Cocktail culture has spread across the globe, with cities and regions becoming known for their vibrant bar scenes and talented mixologists. Here are some key aspects of the global cocktail scene.

Cocktail capitals of the world

Certain cities have become renowned as cocktail capitals, where innovative bars and talented bartenders thrive. Places like New York City, London, Tokyo, and Melbourne are just a few examples of cities that have made a significant impact on the global cocktail scene. These cities are known for their bustling speakeasies, experimental cocktail bars, and a constant stream of new trends and techniques.

Influential bartenders and mixologists

The cocktail scene is shaped by the creativity and skill of talented bartenders and mixologists. These individuals push the boundaries of what is possible with cocktails, using unconventional ingredients, techniques, and presentation. Influential figures such as Dale DeGroff, Audrey Saunders, and Salvatore Calabrese have paved the way for the craft cocktail movement and continue to inspire and mentor the next generation of bartenders.

Emerging cocktail trends

The world of cocktails is constantly evolving, with new trends and fads emerging all the time. From the resurgence of classic cocktails to the rise of low-alcohol and zero-proof drinks, there is always something new and exciting happening in the cocktail world. Bartenders are continually experimenting with ingredients, flavors, and presentation to create unique and memorable drinking experiences for their customers.

International cocktail festivals and competitions

Cocktail festivals and competitions bring together bartenders from around the world to showcase their skills and creativity. Events like Tales of the Cocktail in New Orleans, London Cocktail Week, and the World Class Bartender of the Year competition provide a platform for bartenders to learn, network, and compete. These events also serve as a way for cocktail enthusiasts to discover new drinks, trends, and techniques.

The Contenders for the #1 Ordered Cocktail

With the countless options available, determining the number one ordered cocktail in the world is no easy task. However, there are several contenders that consistently rank high in popularity.


The Margarita is a beloved and iconic cocktail that has remained a favorite for decades. With its perfect balance of sweet, sour, and salty flavors, it is no wonder that the Margarita appeals to a wide range of drinkers. Whether it’s frozen or on the rocks, with salt or without, this classic tequila-based cocktail is a go-to choice for many.


The Martini is the epitome of elegance and sophistication in the cocktail world. With its minimalist combination of gin (or vodka) and dry vermouth, the Martini is a timeless classic that has been enjoyed for generations. Served in a beautiful glass with a twist of lemon or olive, the Martini exudes a sense of refined indulgence.

Old Fashioned

The Old Fashioned is a drink that pays homage to the early origins of cocktails. Made with whiskey, sugar, water, and bitters, it is a simple yet sophisticated drink that highlights the flavors of the spirit. The Old Fashioned has stood the test of time and continues to be a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts.


The Cosmopolitan gained popularity in the 1990s thanks to its appearance in the hit TV show “Sex and the City.” This pink-hued vodka-based cocktail is a blend of cranberry juice, lime juice, triple sec, and vodka. The Cosmopolitan’s fruity and tangy flavors, combined with its glamorous reputation, have made it a go-to choice for those looking for a modern and fashionable drink.


Originating from Cuba, the Mojito is a refreshing cocktail that has become a global favorite. Made with rum, lime juice, sugar, soda water, and fresh mint, it is a light and citrusy drink that is perfect for summer days or tropical getaways. The Mojito’s combination of sweetness, citrus, and herbal notes make it a versatile and popular choice.


The Negroni is a classic Italian cocktail that has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years. Combining equal parts gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth, the Negroni is a bittersweet and complex drink that appeals to those with a taste for the bold and bitter. Its deep red color and sophisticated flavor profile have made it a staple in bars and cocktail menus worldwide.

Moscow Mule

The Moscow Mule is a vodka-based cocktail that has gained a loyal following for its refreshing and zesty flavors. Made with vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice, it is traditionally served in a copper mug, which helps keep the drink ice-cold. The combination of spicy ginger, tangy lime, and smooth vodka makes the Moscow Mule a popular choice for those looking for a bold and invigorating cocktail.

Piña Colada

The Piña Colada is a tropical cocktail that embodies the spirit of vacation and relaxation. Made with rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream, and crushed ice, it is a creamy and fruity drink that transports you to a palm-fringed beach. The Piña Colada’s sweet and tropical flavors make it a popular choice for those seeking a taste of paradise.


The Daiquiri is a classic rum-based cocktail that has been enjoyed since the late 19th century. Made with rum, lime juice, and simple syrup, it is a simple yet delicious drink that highlights the flavors of the rum. The Daiquiri’s balance of sweetness and acidity has made it a staple in cocktail bars around the world.

Sex on the Beach

With its provocative name and fruity flavors, Sex on the Beach is a cocktail that is hard to resist. Made with vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice, and orange juice, it is a sweet and tropical drink that evokes images of sandy shores and sun-kissed skin. The combination of vibrant colors and delicious flavors contribute to the popularity of this cocktail.

Margarita: A Popular Choice

Among the contenders for the number one ordered cocktail, the Margarita stands out as a perennial favorite. This tequila-based cocktail has a fascinating history and has become an icon of modern mixology.

Origins and history of the Margarita

The exact origins of the Margarita are still a subject of debate, with various stories and theories surrounding its creation. One popular theory suggests that the Margarita was invented in the 1930s or 1940s by Carlos “Danny” Herrera, a Mexican bartender. Legend has it that he created the cocktail for a customer who was allergic to all spirits except tequila.

Another theory credits Margarita Sames, a wealthy socialite, with inventing the drink in 1948 during a vacation in Acapulco. She reportedly mixed tequila, lime juice, and Triple Sec to create the refreshing cocktail that became known as the Margarita.

Regardless of its true origins, the Margarita quickly gained popularity and became a staple in bars and restaurants throughout Mexico and the United States.

Iconic variations and flavors

The Margarita is a versatile cocktail that can be customized to suit individual preferences. While the classic Margarita consists of tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur (typically Triple Sec), there are countless variations and flavors to explore. Some popular variations include the fruity and frozen Strawberry Margarita, the spicy and smoky Mezcal Margarita, and the refreshing and herbaceous Cucumber Jalapeño Margarita.

Furthermore, flavored liqueurs such as watermelon, mango, and coconut have been incorporated into Margarita recipes, adding a new level of complexity and creativity to the drink. Margarita enthusiasts can choose from a wide range of flavors to find their perfect Margarita.

Margarita’s place in popular culture

The Margarita has become deeply entrenched in popular culture, thanks in part to its association with tropical resorts, beach vacations, and festive celebrations. It is often featured in movies and television shows, where characters can be seen lounging by the pool with a Margarita in hand or enjoying a night out at a vibrant Mexican restaurant.

Moreover, the Margarita has inspired countless songs, with artists from all genres paying homage to this beloved cocktail. From Jimmy Buffett’s “Margaritaville” to Alan Jackson’s “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere,” the Margarita has become a symbol of relaxation and escapism.

Global popularity and appeal

The Margarita’s popularity extends far beyond its country of origin. It can be found on cocktail menus worldwide, from beachside bars in Mexico to upscale lounges in New York City. The Margarita’s combination of tangy lime juice, smooth tequila, and sweet orange liqueur is universally appealing, making it a go-to choice for those seeking a refreshing and balanced cocktail.

Whether enjoyed on a sunny day by the pool or sipped at a lively fiesta, the Margarita continues to captivate cocktail enthusiasts around the globe. Its timeless appeal and endless variations ensure that the Margarita will remain a classic for years to come.

Martini: The Classic Elegance

When it comes to classic cocktails, few can rival the elegance and sophistication of the Martini. This iconic drink has been a symbol of style and refinement for over a century.

The birth of the Martini

The exact origins of the Martini are shrouded in mystery, with several theories and stories surrounding its creation. Some believe that the Martini evolved from an earlier cocktail known as the Martinez, which was made with gin, sweet vermouth, maraschino liqueur, and orange bitters. Over time, the recipe was refined, and the sweet vermouth was replaced with dry vermouth, creating the dry and crisp Martini we know today.

The Martini gained popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, becoming the drink of choice for the well-heeled and fashionable crowd. Its simplicity and timeless sophistication made it a favorite among socialites, artists, and business elites.

Classic Martini recipe

The classic Martini is a cocktail that is revered for its minimalist ingredients and precise preparation. Traditionally, it is made with gin and dry vermouth, stirred over ice, and strained into a chilled cocktail glass. The preferred garnish is a twist of lemon peel or an olive, which adds a touch of citrus or briny flavor to the drink.

The ratio of gin to vermouth can vary depending on personal preference, with some opting for a drier Martini with just a hint of vermouth and others preferring a more equal ratio. Bartenders often customize the recipe to suit individual tastes and offer a range of options on their cocktail menus.

Modern variations and twists

While the classic Martini remains a favorite among purists, modern mixologists have added their own twists and interpretations to the iconic drink. Some popular variations include the Gibson, which substitutes the olive or lemon twist with a cocktail onion, and the Vesper, which combines gin, vodka, and Lillet Blanc.

Furthermore, creative bartenders have experimented with additional flavors and techniques to create contemporary Martini variations. Ingredients such as fruit liqueurs, bitters, and infused spirits have been incorporated into Martini recipes, offering a new and exciting dimension to the drink.

Martini’s influence on cocktail culture

The Martini has had a profound influence on cocktail culture, inspiring countless variations and becoming a symbol of sophistication and refinement. The famous phrase “shaken, not stirred,” popularized by the fictional spy James Bond, has become synonymous with the Martini and has led to a renewed interest in cocktails and mixology.

The Martini’s sleek and streamlined aesthetic has influenced the design of cocktail glasses and barware, with the classic V-shaped Martini glass being an iconic symbol of the cocktail world. Additionally, the Martini’s timeless elegance has been portrayed in literature, art, and film, solidifying its place as a cultural icon.

Old Fashioned: Timeless Sophistication

In a world of trendy and ever-changing cocktails, the Old Fashioned stands as a testament to timeless sophistication and impeccable taste. This classic cocktail is as relevant today as it was in the 19th century when it first gained popularity.

The origins of the Old Fashioned

The Old Fashioned is believed to be one of the oldest known cocktails, tracing its roots back to the early 19th century. Legend has it that it was created in Louisville, Kentucky, by a bartender at the Pendennis Club, who crafted the drink in honor of a prominent whiskey distiller.

Originally known simply as a “whiskey cocktail,” the Old Fashioned was made with sugar, water, whiskey, and bitters. As the cocktail evolved over time, the addition of fruit, such as orange or cherry, and the use of muddled sugar cubes became common, adding an extra layer of complexity and flavor.

Traditional Old Fashioned recipe

The traditional Old Fashioned recipe remains a favorite among cocktail purists and whiskey enthusiasts. It typically consists of sugar, water, whiskey (usually bourbon or rye), and a few dashes of bitters. The ingredients are gently muddled together to dissolve the sugar, and then mixed with ice before being strained into a chilled rocks glass. A twist of orange peel or a cherry can be used as a garnish, adding a touch of citrus or sweetness to the drink.

The simplicity and balance of the Old Fashioned allow the flavors of the whiskey to shine through, making it a beloved choice for those who appreciate the complexity and character of fine spirits.

Contemporary interpretations

While the traditional Old Fashioned recipe remains a timeless classic, contemporary bartenders have put their own spin on this beloved cocktail. Some variations include the use of different types of whiskey, such as smoky Scotch or spicy rye, to add a unique flavor profile. Others experiment with alternative sweeteners, such as maple syrup or honey, to provide a different level of sweetness.

Additionally, creative mixologists have introduced innovative ingredients and techniques to enhance the Old Fashioned. Infused spirits, flavored bitters, and custom-made syrups have become common in modern interpretations, offering bartenders and patrons the opportunity to explore new flavor combinations while still honoring the spirit of the Old Fashioned.

Old Fashioned’s enduring popularity

The Old Fashioned’s enduring popularity can be attributed to its timeless appeal and straightforward execution. It is a cocktail that allows for customization and personalization while still maintaining a sense of tradition and heritage. Whether enjoyed at a speakeasy-inspired bar or in the comfort of your own home, the Old Fashioned remains a symbol of sophistication and impeccable taste.

Cosmopolitan: A Modern Classic

The Cosmopolitan is a drink that defines the modern cocktail era, capturing the essence of glamour and elegance. This vibrant and stylish cocktail has become a symbol of sophistication and is a favorite among both men and women.

The rise of the Cosmopolitan

The Cosmopolitan’s rise to fame can be attributed to its appearance in the hit TV show “Sex and the City” in the late 1990s. The character Carrie Bradshaw, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, was often seen sipping a Cosmopolitan during scenes at trendy New York City bars, elevating the cocktail’s status and popularity.

The drink’s bright pink color and sweet-tart flavors quickly caught the attention of cocktail enthusiasts, leading to a resurgence in its popularity. The Cosmopolitan became synonymous with cosmopolitanism, urban nightlife, and a modern and fashionable lifestyle.

Quintessential Cosmopolitan recipe

The quintessential Cosmopolitan recipe combines vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, and triple sec. The ingredients are shaken together with ice and strained into a chilled cocktail glass. A twist of orange peel or a lime wheel can be used to garnish the drink, adding a citrusy aroma.

The Cosmopolitan’s balance of sweet and tart flavors, combined with the smoothness of the vodka, creates a refreshing and easy-to-drink cocktail. Its vibrant color makes it visually appealing and adds to its allure.

Contemporary advancements and flavors

While the classic Cosmopolitan recipe remains popular, contemporary mixologists have introduced new flavors and twists to the modern classic. Infused vodkas, such as citrus or berry-infused varieties, have been used to add an extra layer of complexity and depth to the drink. Some bartenders have even experimented with different types of citrus juice, such as blood orange or tangerine, to create unique flavor profiles.

Furthermore, creative bartenders have incorporated additional ingredients and techniques to push the boundaries of the Cosmopolitan. From sparkling wine floaters to house-made cranberry syrups, these advancements add a touch of innovation and personalization to the iconic cocktail.

Cosmopolitan’s portrayal in media

The Cosmopolitan’s association with popular culture and media has played a significant role in its enduring popularity. It has been featured in various movies and TV shows, cementing its status as a fashionable and stylish drink. The Cosmopolitan captures the zeitgeist of a certain era and continues to be associated with the cosmopolitan lifestyle, both in the United States and around the world.

Unveiling the #1 Ordered Cocktail

Determining the number one ordered cocktail in the world is a challenging task, as tastes and preferences can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, culture, and personal preferences. However, through research and analysis, it is possible to gain insights into the most popular choices among cocktail enthusiasts.

Research and statistics

Various research studies and surveys have been conducted to identify the most ordered cocktails around the world. These studies often take into account factors such as sales data, consumer preferences, social media mentions, and industry expert opinions.

While there may be slight variations in the rankings, some cocktails consistently appear at the top of these lists, indicating their widespread popularity across different regions and cultures.

Regional variations in cocktail preferences

Cocktail preferences can vary significantly from one region to another, influenced by local drinking traditions, cultural preferences, and the availability of ingredients. For example, rum-based cocktails are more popular in Caribbean and Latin American countries due to their historical connection with rum production, while whiskey-based cocktails are favored in countries with a strong whiskey heritage, such as the United States and Scotland.

It is important to consider regional variations when determining the number one ordered cocktail, as different countries and cities may have their own unique favorites.

The role of top bars and cocktail menus

The popularity of cocktails is often influenced by the reputation and influence of top bars and cocktail menus. Bartenders and mixologists who have gained a following and have a strong presence in the industry can shape trends and introduce new creations that resonate with consumers.

Furthermore, cocktail menus at popular bars and establishments play a significant role in shaping customer preferences. Innovative and well-curated menus can introduce customers to new cocktails and flavor combinations, influencing their choices and ultimately impacting the popularity of specific drinks.

The enduring appeal of the ultimate #1 cocktail

While it is challenging to determine the exact number one ordered cocktail, there are certain qualities that contribute to the enduring appeal of a popular choice. The ultimate number one cocktail is likely to possess a combination of factors such as balanced flavors, versatility, visual appeal, and a touch of nostalgia or cultural significance.

Whether it is a classic cocktail with a timeless recipe or a modern creation that captures the spirit of the times, the number one ordered cocktail is likely to be a drink that can be enjoyed by a wide range of people, transcending boundaries and appealing to different tastes and preferences.